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canuck Maine coons

Our female "Delta"

Our female "Surrey"


  Our female "London"


Our Stud Kingston or "king" for short. 


Loyal, docile, and affectionate are words that describe "King’s" personality. 


surrey's litter born January 31st 2024

London's litter born February 5th 2024

Adopt a Maine Coon Kitten: Complete Our Simple Application Form Today

Have you ever noticed the charming magnificence of Main Coon kittens? Their soothing coat colors, and those large, engaging eyes full of mischief and curiosity? If so, we think it's time you consider leading one of these delightful friends into your life. Adding a Maine Coon kitten to your family creates a whole new level of warmth and happiness right within your home. 

Maine Coon cats are a breed known for their energetic personalities, impressive physical characteristics, and deep affectionate nature. Even more, they are sociable creatures who crave human company and get along pretty well with other pets too. The best part? The Maine Coon kittens we have are exceptionally bred and nurtured to seamlessly fit into different family settings.

"Maine Coons are well known for their playful personalities, friendly disposition, and remarkable intelligence. They make incredible lifelong companions and adapt well to family life."

Before you can bring your new fur friend home, there's a procedure to follow. But don't fret, as it's easy and straightforward. 

  1. First, fill out our application form. This is crucial to help us understand your lifestyle and verify that a Maine Coon kitten would indeed be a great fit for your home.
  2. After your application has been assessed and approved, you are then allowed to select a kitten that matches your preferences.
  3. Finally, prepare your home and let the exciting journey of having a Maine Coon kitten begin!

With these stages, you're on your way to welcoming one of our adorable Maine Coon kittens into your family. Are you ready to make this precious addition to your family? Go on, fill out the application, and get started on this fascinating journey.

The Night time Habits of Cats: Why They're Most Active at Dawn and Dusk

Have you ever been puzzled by your feline's mysterious schedule? For those of us who are cat owners, we've likely been jolted out of a peaceful sleep by the flurry of nighttime activity from our furry friends. So why are cats most active during the twilight hours? Let's explore this peculiar yet intriguing behavior,known as crepuscule. 

Cats are crepuscular creatures, a term derived from the Latin word "crepusculum" meaning twilight. While most people are familiar with nocturnal animals that are active at night, and diurnal creatures who wake during the day, the term 'crepuscular' might be new to many. 

Crepuscular creatures like domestic cats are most active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk, this is their prime time for hunting and playing.

This behavior is not merely an arbitrary preference by your pet. Rather, it is an evolutionary trait that traces back to the cat's ancestors in the wild. To better comprehend this, let's delve into some key factors that cause our feline companions to be most vivacious during these twilight hours.When we talk about crepuscular behavior in cats, certain patterns rear their heads consistently. The table below showcases the typical daily routine of our feline friends, breaking down their activity according to the various times of the day. This gives us a clearer picture of how their activity shifts around twilight. 

Time of Day

Typical Cat Activity

Midnight to Early Morning (12:00am to 5:00am)

Play and Hunt (especially young cats)

Early Morning to Dusk (5:00am to 8:00pm)

Rest and Sleep, with occasional periods of play and exploration

Dusk to Midnight (8:00pm to 12:00am)

Peak of Activity - Play, Hunt, and Explore

From the table, we can see how our domestic cats maintain natural hunting instincts, with periods of peak activity bracketing the day at dawn and dusk. These timings coincide with their primary prey (rodents) being most active, showcasing a decisive link between environmental stimuli and their crepuscular behavior.Patently, cats' heightened crepuscular activity reflects an evolutionary design for hunting efficiency. Both domestic and wild cats exhibit similar patterns of crepuscular behavior, emphasizing the durability of their ancestral instincts. 

Cats, particularly domestic ones, showcase a blend of both nocturnal and crepuscular behaviors. However, their activity notably peaks during twilight hours, appearing predominantly crepuscular. 

In comparison, wild cats' behaviors can differ relative to their species and natural habitats. Some, like the revered tigers, employ nocturnal behavior, while others continue to follow the crepuscular pattern. This fine-tuned responsiveness to environmental elements illustrates the wider range of survival strategies within the Felidae family. 

It is fascinating to observe how their behavior transitions based on their living environment. Indoor cats, unburdened by the necessity for nocturnal vigilance, adhere more strictly to the crepuscular model, whereas outdoor cats exhibit higher nighttime activity, augmenting their crepuscular prowling with periods of nocturnal alertness. 

The realm of feline behavior is incredibly rich and diverse, and it is these subtleties that make cats such captivating creatures. Understanding their confluence of innate predatory instincts, evolutionary adaptations, and responses to the environment offers precious insights into their wonderful world. Let us celebrate and respect these marvelous animals, appreciating them in all their crepuscular grandeur. 

Understanding Cat Behavior: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Your Feline's Actions

Have you ever gazed at your feline companion, as they pounced on a toy with such fierce determination you could almost see a lion in a savannah? Or perhaps, like many cat owners, you've found yourself perplexed by their seemingly aloof behavior at times. 

Cats are fascinating creatures, an enigma draped in soft fur and paired with a purr that can soothe even the most frayed nerves. From their hunting instincts to their social interactions, every quirk and eccentricity they possess contributes to their charm. But the question remains - what goes on in the mind of these beautiful beasts?

This article aims to help you understand your furry friend by uncovering the mysteries of cat behavior and offering insights into their unique personalities.

So, let's dive deeper into the magical, mysterious and sometimes mischievous world of our feline friends!

  • Cats possess a strong inherent curiosity about their surroundings, often engaging with objects using their paws as an act of exploration.
  • One key to deciphering your cat's language is by observing their tail. Tail positioning can reveal whether your cat is happy, agitated, or feeling threatened.
  • A cat's whiskers also convey their emotional state. Fearful cats draw their whiskers close to their face, whereas confident cats push their whiskers forward.
  • The "zoomies," or sudden energetic outbursts when cats dash around the house, are completely normal; a playful release of pent-up energy. Interactive toys that mimic prey can help manage this energy in a positive, fun way.
  • Understanding a cat's mood can be as simple as studying their body language. For example, a content cat typically sits or lies down with half-closed eyes and a still tail, while a playful cat exhibits forward ears, tail up, forward whiskers, and somewhat dilated pupils, signaling their hunting behavior patterns.
  • A cat's innate hunting instinct can lead them to bring their humans dead birds, rodents, or bugs as 'gifts,' a show of affection in their own unique way.
  • It's important to be alert to certain behaviors that may signal a potential problem with your cat. These can include excessive grooming, hiding more often than usual, not eating, and changes in their litterbox habits.
  • Just like the tail, a cat’s ears also hold the key to understanding their mood. Flat ears indicate fear or aggression, while forward-pointing ears signal contentment and interest.

Body Part


Possible Interpretation


Narrowed pupils



Dilated pupils

Nervousness, defense, offense, or playfulness


Tail straight up and quivering

Excitement, Happiness


Low tail or tucked between legs

Insecurity or anxiety


Arched back, fur standing up

frightened or angry


Arched back, fur smooth

Welcoming touch


Close to the face



Pushed forward


Understanding your cat's behavior goes beyond interpreting their basic body language. Their overall demeanor paints a larger picture of their emotional state. A content cat will typically sit or lie down, their eyes half-closed, and purring. You may notice narrowed pupils and a relatively still tail accompanied by forward-facing ears. This is your cat indicating that they are relaxed, comfortable, and more than likely enjoy your company. 

A playful cat, on the other hand, presents an entirely different set of hallmarks. Their ears are usually forward, indicating alertness or excitement, while their tail often stands tall, representing curiosity or interest. You might also notice they lead with their whiskers while playing, an indication of active engagement. If their pupils appear somewhat dilated, it is probably because your cat is mimicking hunting behaviors. 

Conversely, a cat feeling nervous or anxious will typically adopt a defensive posture. Their ears may go sideways or back and their huge, dilated pupils might be an easily observed indicator of the cat's disturbance. It's not uncommon for a troubled feline to tuck their tail between their legs, slink close to the floor, or seek somewhere to hide. They may even turn their face to the wall, in an attempt to isolate themselves from what's causing them distress. 

There's a range of other behaviors you should be aware of to fully understand your cat. For instance, your cat may demonstrate behaviors such as biting, wrestling, or kicking with their hind feet when they're irritated or overstimulated. Similarly, if they grab their prey or show their teeth, it might be a sign of aggression or irritation. Stay observant of these signs and always respect your feline's boundaries to ensure a healthy bond. 

Of course, these observations can vary from cat to cat and it's crucial to get familiar with your own pet's unique cues. Remember, by understanding your cat's body language and behaviors, you'll ensure a healthier and happier cat and a more rewarding companionship for both of you. 

Essential Tips on Cat Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Happy and Healthy Felines

Essential Tips on Cat Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Happy and Healthy Felines

Welcome to your ultimate guide on how to care for our caffeinated, cute, and often curious feline friends - cats! Whether you are just contemplating adopting a cat, you're a first-time cat owner, or a long-time cat lover looking to brush up on best practices, this article is designed with you in mind. We hope the information you find here will make your journey with your feline friend a joyous roller-coaster of purrs, content headbutts, and playfulness. 

"In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this." - Terry Pratchett

Finding and fostering a warm bond doesn't just require feeding and grooming your cat, but learning their unique language, identifying their needs, and essentially, stepping into their world. By the end of this piece, we aim to have armed you with the know-how and confidence to give your fluffy companion the care and attention they need and deserve. So, sit back, cue your favorite cat video for some inspiration, and let's dive into the world of taking care of cats!

Let's start with choosing the right cat breed. This is no easy task as the care and attention required by each breed can vary widely. Keep in mind that every feline has its unique personality, but generally, certain breeds like Persians and Siamese have distinctive traits such as longer coat length and temperaments that require additional grooming and attention. 

Caring for a cat becomes second nature over time, but adopting a healthy routine from the start is key. Meals constitute a fundamental part of this routine. Experts suggest two meals a day for a normal adult cat, but kittens require more frequent feeding. Note that the diet should be balanced for their age, health state and lifestyle. Remember, cats love routine, especially when it comes to food. Therefore, try to feed them at the same time each day. 

Securing a cozy bed and a safe space for privacy is equally important. Cats value their personal space, make sure it's a quiet spot with a warm and comfortable bed readily available. Giving your furry friend outdoor access during the day can also boost their welfare. However, for safety reasons, it's advisable they be kept indoors at night. 

Caring for your cat's hygiene is also paramount. Regular grooming is essential, particularly for long-haired breeds. In addition, cats need to be neutered and up-to-date with their vaccinations, worming, and flea treatment to maintain optimal health. 

When it comes to socializing, it should be noted that cats are generally solitary animals. Though some may bond well with fellow felines, overpopulating your household with too many cats could potentially ignite tensions and stress. Hence, it's always a good idea to limit the number of cats if you wish to avoid unnecessary conflicts. 

Although cats might enjoy solitude, they also require some companionship to thrive. So, if you work all day away from home, consider investing in a pet sitter or adopting a second cat that gets along well with your first one. Always remember to introduce new cats to your current pets gradually and under closely monitored circumstances.

Cats, especially young ones, have an instinctual hunting behaviour. Offering them toys or teaching them to perform tasks will keep them both physically and mentally stimulated, crucial when considering indoor cats who lack the natural stimuli of the outdoors. That said, it's important to understand that this hunting instinct may decrease as the cat gets older, and adjustments must be made according to their capabilities. 

And yes, cats make great pets for families with children. Teach your young ones how to handle kittens and cats gently and respect their need for quiet and space. There's no need to rehome your feline friend should you get pregnant, contrary to the old wives' tales. 

Lastly, consider providing a litter box for each cat in your household in a quiet, comfortable, and convenient location. Cleaning it regularly also encourages cats to use it and promotes a clean living environment. In case of car travel, your cat should be secure in a cat carrier to ensure both their safety and yours. 

Take into account the personality of your feline friends while creating their space. Note that some cats crave serene settings, while others might perk up in lively surroundings. Adapting the environment to their individual preferences will contribute significantly to their wellness and happiness. 

Additionally, when it comes to overseeing the litter box, consider using clumping cat litter. This type not only simplifies the cleaning process but also helps maintain your house odor-free. 

It's vital to remember that cats are largely solitary creatures. So, if you are planning to have multiple cats, be prepared to mitigate possible tensions between them to avoid stress and maintain harmony in the household. 

To ensure the comprehensive care of your beloved pet, make sure to have all the necessary supplies at hand. This checklist includes, but is not limited to, premium-brand food, a dish for meals, a bowl for fresh water, engaging toys, grooming tools like a brush and comb, a safety cat collar with ID tag, a scratching post or pad, cat carrier, and a cozy bed armed with a warm blanket or towel. 

Beyond these essentials, remember that even while cats are typically independent creatures and can suit busy lifestyles, they still need love, attention, and companionship. Incorporating a dedicated 'cat time' in your busy schedule to play, groom, or simply cuddle will help strengthen your bond and provide the mental stimulation your cat needs. 

The key to caring for a cat is understanding their character and needs. Even though it might seem like a lot of work, providing the best care for your feline friend can be a rewarding and enriching experience.




Provide a warm, comfortable bed in a quiet area, away from movement and noise.

Outdoor Access

Offer them safe outdoor access during the day but consider keeping them indoors at night to ensure their safety.

Personal Space

Ensure your cat has a private space, respecting their solitary nature.


Even though generally solitary, cats need companionship, bear this in mind if you have a busy schedule or consider adopting two compatible cats.

Multiple Cats

Consider the potential for tension and stress before introducing another cat into the household. Provide each cat with their own litter box plus one extra if you have multiple cats.


  • Cats need an environment that is suitable for their personality type. Some cats thrive in a quiet, peaceful home, while others may do well in a bustling, active household.
  • Litter box training is crucial for keeping a tidy home. Always place the litter box in a quiet, comfortable, and convenient location that your cat can easily access.
  • Cats make for a suitable pet for people leading busy lifestyles, as they are independent animals and require less constant attention compared to some other pets.
  • Establishing a close relationship with your cat can significantly enhance the quality of your pet's life. Interaction and companionship are key components of a cat's general well-being.
  • Appropriate feeding and fresh water supply are fundamental aspects of cat care. Cats require a diet that is higher in protein and should always have access to clean water.
  • Choose a veterinarian who is experienced with cat care for your feline friend's medical needs. Cat-friendly vets offer specialized, appropriate care specifically targeted for cats.
  • Research information on cat care from authorized sources, such as International Cat Care, can provide a wealth of knowledge for both new and experienced cat owners.
  • Understand that your cat's needs might vary depending on the type of feline species. For example, some breeds require more grooming or more active play than others.

Caring for a cat might seem like a daunting task especially if it's your first time, but with proper guidance and a bit of patience, it becomes a part of your daily routine that you'll find joy in. Much like how we humans value our independence, a cat is also a creature that seeks its own space while still longing for affection and nurturing from you, its fur-parent. 

Getting to know your cat's personality is crucial. A close relationship with your cat involves noticing the subtle signs of their needs and wants. Understanding their body language such as the position of their ears or tail, the dilation of their pupils, or the purrs and meows they make, helps you come closer to them. Cats are distinct individuals, so taking time to understand them makes for a pleasant cohabitation. 

Unlike dogs, which typically require a lot of attention and time, cats are a fabulous choice for busy individuals. They are able to entertain themselves and are well suited for a more solitary lifestyle. Yet they enjoy human companionship too, striking a lovely balance between independence and intimacy. 

One of the first things to keep in mind when you bring a cat home is to have a comfortable, safe cat carrier. This is particularly useful when taking them for vet visits or when traveling. A cat carrier ensures your cat’s safety and prevents possible distractions while driving. 

Training your cat to use a litter box is another integral part of caring for them. Remember, patience is key during this process. Establish a routine and specific location for the litter box. Remember to keep the litter box clean as cats appreciate cleanliness, it might motivate them more to use it. 

Caring for a cat is indeed a rewarding experience. It not only gives you a loving companion but also a sense of responsibility and joy that comes from looking after another living creature. It does require effort, but with time and routine, it surely becomes second nature. Compared to dogs, cats are more low-maintenance animals making them the right choice if you have a busy lifestyle. 

International Cat Care provides a wealth of resources and advice to help you provide the best possible care for your feline friend. Learning how to care for your cat in a way that suits both you and your feline can mean different things to different people, but it all boils down to providing a safe, healthy, and loving environment for them. Happy cat parenting!

Unveiling the Secrets of Cat Sleep: Habits and Patterns Deciphered

Ever watched your feline friend curl into a ball in the sunniest spot of the house and drift off into gentle, purring slumber? If you have, you're likely curious about the unique sleeping habits of cats. Unlike their human companions, cats follow their own unique sleep cycles that are much more complex than they may initially appear. 

Consider this,

"Cats sleep for an average of 13 to 14 hours a day!"

This can seem like an enormous amount to us, considering the typical human sleep cycle only takes up about a third of the day. But this is completely normal for our furry friends. 

  • You must've noticed how alert your cat is during odd hours
  • Or wondered about their peculiarly precise timing for food
  • Maybe you've been puzzled at their ability to nap passionately in the afternoon but actively prowl through the night.

Time of Day

Typical Cat Activity


Early morning (Dawn)

Peak activity: Hunting, feeding, exploring

Instinctive hunting patterns coincide with prey activity.


Light activity: Napping, casual strolling, grooming

Conserve energy for the active phases of the day.


Napping: Deeper sleep phase

Part of their polyphasic sleep cycle. Recharging after morning activities and preparing for evening action.

Evening (Dusk)

Peak activity: Hunting, feeding, exploring, playing

Cats are hardwired to give chase and hunt mainly at dusk, synchronized with prey activity.


Active: Prowling, playing

Cats are naturally nocturnal animals. House cats may adjust their routines to match their owners' patterns.

These traits all tie back to their sleep behavior. Come along with us as we unravel the fascinating world of feline slumber. We guarantee all cat lovers will find some helpful insights for understanding and even improving their pets' sleep patterns through better support and care.

It might surprise you to learn that cats, just like us, have their sleeping routines. Interestingly, some domesticated cats have been observed to adjust their sleeping patterns to coincide with their owners' waking hours. Isn't that something? Your fluffy companion might be more in sync with you than you imagined! 

Understanding your cat's sleep pattern can serve as a valuable tool for detecting early signs of potential health issues. Let’s delve into their sleep cycles. Cats experience various stages of sleep - rapid eye movement (REM), non-rapid eye movement (NREM), and a transition period that happens between the REM and NREM sleep. These stages might mirror our own sleep phases but here's the catch—they have a polyphasic sleep schedule. That's right. Cats are professional nappers! They squeeze in multiple short bouts of sleep throughout the day and night. Got to love their dedication to sleep, right? 

On average, a healthy cat clocks in between 12 to 20 hours of sleep in a day. But it's not the same for all. Kittens and senior cats usually catch a few extra winks as compared to a healthy adult one. Woah, talk about a catnap! A handy tip for pet parents out there—you might want to use a tool like the Tractive GPS app to keep an eye on your feline friend's sleep patterns and catch any irregularities. 

It’s important to respect your cat's individuality. You might have the daywalker cats that prefer being active during the day, and then there are the nightcrawlers, up and about when the world sleeps. It's this diversity that makes cats so intriguing! 

However, knowing about typical cat sleeping habits is not just about trivia. It’s also about identifying potential health issues. If your cat is suddenly sleeping less or more, or showing drastic changes in their sleep schedule, it could be a warning sign. A lack of sleep could indicate illnesses such as hyperthyroidism, hypertension, or feline immunodeficiency virus. On the contrary, lack of stimulation or being too active could also impact their sleep negatively. 

So, you may be wondering, "How much sleep should my feline friend ideally be getting?" Cats generally need 12 to 20 hours of sleep a day, with kittens and senior cats often requiring more rest than healthy adults. Noticing a cat snoozing less than 12 hours or more than 20 hours a day? Or perhaps their sleep routine has shifted dramatically all of a sudden? It's wise to quickly book a vet appointment for a check-up. Utilizing tools like the Tractive GPS app can help you easily monitor and track your cat's sleep patterns, ensuring you catch any irregularities early on. 

Changes in your cat's sleep habits should be taken seriously, especially if coupled with other noticeable symptoms. An excess sleep habit may be due to various reasons including a deficiency of certain vitamins, obesity, depression or enduring viruses and bacterial infections. Health conditions such as arthritis, kidney disease, blindness, deafness, even sleep disorders, can develop leading to an altered sleep pattern. In these instances, immediate veterinary attention is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Similarly, behaviors concerning eating habits may point towards a health issue. Sudden changes in appetite could be a sign your cat lacks proper rest or experiences discomfort. Staying vigilant about your cat's sleep and overall habit patterns is not just about ensuring their happiness; it's about safeguarding their overall health and wellbeing. Remember, even something as simple as sleep can tell volumes about a cat's health. Therefore, keep an eye on your beloved fur baby and ensure they get the rest they need to live a healthy and fulfilled life.

  • Cats typically need between 12 to 20 hours of sleep per day, kittens and senior cats often require even more sleep than healthy adult cats.
  • If a cat is sleeping less than 12 hours or more than 20 hours a day, or there are sudden changes in their sleeping habits, a vet consultation is highly recommended.
  • A cat that is not getting enough sleep could be experiencing health issues such as hyperthyroidism, hypertension, or feline immunodeficiency virus. Lack of stimulation or overactivity could also be affecting their sleep routine.
  • Conversely, sleeping in excess could possibly indicate a lack of essential vitamins, obesity, depression, viral or bacterial infections, potential poisoning, arthritis, or diabetes.
  • The Tractive GPS app is a useful tool that allows owners to monitor a cat's sleep pattern, helping to detect irregularities early on.
  • Some domestic cats adjust their sleeping patterns to align with their owner's waking hours. It's crucial to recognize these adjustments and accommodate accordingly for their restful time.

Believe it or not, adult cats can often sleep up to 16 hours per day, a number which often increases as they age. There's a wide range in the average amount of sleep among our feline friends - some cats sleep as many as 20 hours a day. In fact, research suggests that on an average, cats snooze for about 15 hours a day. Interestingly, a significant 40% of cats tend to sleep over 18 hours daily. It's clear that our feline companions are truly champion sleepers within the animal kingdom! 

So, how can you tell if your cat is getting the right amount of sleep? The answer lies within the patterns! Cats have two primary sleep states: Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement (REM). During NREM, also referred to as slow-wave or deep sleep, your cat's body repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system. The REM stage, on the other hand, is when we typically see our cats dreaming - you may notice their whiskers twitching or fine movements in their paws. 

Fascinatingly, cats may obtain anywhere from three to eight hours of REM sleep per day. But remember, each cat is an individual and their sleeping patterns can vary. Younger, older, or cats recovering from an illness or injury may require more REM sleep than healthy adult cats. 

So why is all of this essential? Monitoring your cat's sleep patterns can be a significant step towards early detection of potential health issues. Sleeping too little or too much, or deviations in the patterns of REM sleep could be a sign something is amiss. So, stay observant. Keep track of your furry friend's snooze time and never hesitate to consult your vet if something seems off.

Designing a Safe and Fun Outdoor Catio for Your Cat: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're a cat lover, you've probably found yourself worrying about your feline companion's safety when they're exploring the great outdoors. Cats, in all their curious nature, can sometimes get into situations that aren't exactly ideal - busy roads, lurking predators, toxic plants - the list goes on. But what if you could provide them with the thrill of outdoor exploration, without the risks? Welcome to the idea of a catio—an outdoor cat patio! 


A 'catio' allows your cat to enjoy the outdoors while staying in a controlled and safe environment, reducing potential hazards without restricting their freedom of movement and curiosity.

In this article, we're going to walk you through everything you need to know about creating a safe outdoor environment for your cat—an outdoor catio. Let's make your backyard not only cat-friendly but also a cat paradise!

  • Catios are designed to mimic the outdoors, allowing cats to safely explore, climb, and play—essentially making them an outdoor jungle gym for your feline friends.
  • They provide ample exercise through climbing, running, jumping, and perching up high, catering to a cat's natural instincts.
  • Catios protect your cat from potential threats such as predators and traffic hazards, ensuring that they can enjoy nature risk-free.

  • Not only keeping your cats safe, catios also protect birds and other wildlife from becoming unwanted prey.
  • There are numerous variations to suit any home or garden, including free-standing fences, fully-enclosed cat runs, portable pet play tents, and catios.

Imagine giving your beloved feline friend the thrill of the great outdoors without the risks and dangers—this is the joy a catio can bring. Designed to be a safe haven, a catio is more than just an outdoor cat house—it's a sanctuary where the inherent wanderlust and natural instincts of your cat are nurtured, while ensuring its well-being. From engaging in playful antics to basking in a sun-soaked corner, your cat experiences the stimulation of the outdoors within the safety of an enclosure. Let's explore how to create that perfect outdoor environment to let your feline companion thrive!

With an immense variety of options including free-standing fences, fully-enclosed cat runs, portable pet play tents, and catios, creating the perfect outside space for your cat is easier than you think. These cat enclosures are designed to give your cat the joy of an outdoor exploration while keeping them safe from outside predators. But remember, one size does not fit all. When considering the type of enclosure, account for your cat’s personality, habits, and of course, the available outdoor space. 

Would your cat fancy an outside cat enclosure or perhaps enjoy an outdoor cat tree to climb up? Or maybe, an outdoor cat bed might hit the spot for a sun-filled snooze. For the cat that loves active play, a 13-piece Urban Forest Catio could be ideal, providing ample space for running, jumping, and even a bit of high-perching adventure. Think of a catio as a jungle gym for cats, teeming with engaging activities that indulge their innate playful nature. 

Consider utilizing vertical space to provide more territory for your furry friend. A multi-level cat run or a cat playpen with elevated platforms can easily create this extra room. Opt for enclosures that are easily expandable, to ensure your catio can evolve with your cat's growth and changing needs.

Building the perfect catio takes some planning and research, but rest assured, the joy and contentment it can provide your cat make this effort well worthwhile. After all, a catio isn't just a pen, it's essentially a feline fitness paradise—like a jungle gym for your fur-babies. This outdoor cat enclosure allows your beloved pets to explore, climb, jump, and perch up high—it's the purrfect place for the natural born explorers. 

Before you create this space, you need to consider a variety of options. A free-standing fence offers open-air access while ensuring the safety of your feline friend. If you're looking for total enclosure, a fully-enclosed cat run or a 'Catio' would be a more suitable choice. With reliable brands like Purrfect Fence, you’re spoilt for choices. These outside cat enclosures empower your kitty to play and explore, keeping them engaged while safe. 

Portable pet play tents and outdoor catios are great alternatives for an easily movable and, at the same time, secure outdoor environment. Here’s why - such structures allow your cat to enjoy the fresh air, observe nature, and satisfy their curiosity without posing a risk to local birds and wildlife. The structure itself is made of a heavy-duty 316 welded 2 x 2 wire that's powder-coated for increased durability. Making sure your furry friend basks in comfort for a longer duration. 

Offering much more than just an outdoor cat house, cat enclosures also incorporate play areas. Cat playpens, for instance, create a jungle gym like environment for your feline companions. This offers an excellent exercise opportunity by enabling climbing, running, jumping, and even perching up high - like their own mini adventure park. Such engaging and active physical activities are indeed beneficial for maintaining overall cat health.  

Another feature to consider is future growth. Instead of having to replace an entire system as your cat family grows, opt for an enclosure that's easily expandable. This could be in the form of additional cat play tunnels, an outdoor cat bed for relaxing, or even an outdoor cat tree for added play and exploration opportunities. So, every corner surprises and keeps your kitties entertained. All in all, a catio outdoor cat tent can provide more territory for your cats to play, utilizing the vertical space efficiently. Whether used indoors or outdoors, these enclosures offer versatility and functionality encased in a safe and fun environment for your little furballs.

Let's not overlook the quality and durability of the materials chosen to construct your cat's outdoor haven. Select enclosures made from heavy duty 316 welded 2 x 2 wire. Offering strength and toughness, this material affords your cats the joy of climbing and playing in a sturdy, secure area. Precision construction, such as powder coating, also ensures a long and durable lifespan for the catio. These attributes protect your cats from outside predators, allowing them to exercise freely without fear. Just picture them climbing, running, jumping, and perching up high, thoroughly enjoying their outdoor adventure. 

Now, let's talk safety for your feathered outdoors friends. The importance of protecting birds and wildlife from our beloved cats cannot be stressed enough. That's where fully-enclosed cat runs come into play. They offer our furry friends the thrill of the chase without the final, fatal catch. In a nutshell, it's about creating a balance in the ecosystem where everyone can enjoy their space in peace. If you're on the go or have limited outdoor space, a portable pet play tent is an excellent option, providing your pet with a change of scene, while keeping both local wildlife and your feline family safe. 

Another brilliant addition to ensure comprehensive protection and entertainment is, Purrfect Fence outside cat enclosures. They ensure every inch of your outdoor space becomes part of the catio, making it like a jungle gym for cats where all their pent-up energy can be unleashed, safely. In essence, this is about turning your garden, your patio, or any outdoor space into not just an outdoor cat house, but into a bigger, better world for your kitty to explore in safety.

Picture your feline friend climbing confidently, running amok, or leaping majestically without the worry of encountering any outside predators. That's the level of security and freedom Purrfect Fence outside cat enclosures bring. Plus, you won't be solely doing a favor to your pets. Protecting local birds and wildlife from our natural hunters—our cats—is just an additional benefit. 

The beauty of these enclosures is their adaptability. Whether you're thinking of a free-standing fence, a fully-enclosed cat run, a portable pet play tent, or more advanced catios, there's a perfect fit for every outdoor space. Each choice presents a new environment for your pet to explore and claim, making the most of the vertical space available. 

And if you're considering future growth, planning for more cats perhaps, or simply aiming to expand your existing catio, these cat enclosures can be easily expanded. Encase an entire garden or start a little smaller—no matter the size of your space, these enclosures are designed to grow as your feline family does.

Station an outdoor cat bed in a corner for when they're ready for a break, and before you know it, your backyard has transformed into an extravagant kitty playground.

About us


Our Company

At Canuck Maine Coons, we are passionate about breeding Maine Coon cats of the highest quality. As a dedicated cattery, we strive to ensure that our cats are healthy, well-socialized, and have the best possible temperament. We have carefully selected our breeding cats from champion bloodlines to ensure that our kittens inherit the best traits and characteristics of the Maine Coon breed. Whether you are looking for a loving companion or a show-quality Maine Coon, you can trust Canuck Maine Coons to provide you with a cat that exceeds your expectations.

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